Thursday, January 9, 2025

           Romans 16 features a lengthy list of names that the Holy Spirit led Paul to greet and acknowledge.  There are twenty-nine men and women named in Romans 16.  These are individuals who were influential in the early days of the Church—either by what they did, how they supported Paul and or how they contributed to the advancement of the gospel in the first century.  We repeatedly find the word “greet.”  Paul remembered people.  He cherished the relationships that he shared with others in Christ and for the sake of the gospel. He seized any opportunity to offer greetings and encouragement to those who labored with Him in the Lord.   
            If you prepared a list of the twenty-nine influential people who had helped you in your faith and walk with the Lord, what names would be on that list?  You might identify family members, other Christians, writers and even folks perhaps known only to you.  We all know people we could name who have blessed us and influenced us in godly and gracious ways.  Maybe they brought us to Christ or helped us to build on that salvation foundation.  Would anyone say that about you?  Would you make someone’s list of influential and supportive believers?
            After listing these twenty-nine names, Paul possibly offered some reasons why these people had been singled out for their faith and contributions to the gospel.  He wrote, “I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery, they deceive the minds of naive people. Everyone has heard about your obedience, so I rejoice because of you; but I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil. The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you” (Romans 16:17-20).  Based on these verses, let me suggest some reasons why Paul chose to greet the people he did.
            First, these twenty-nine names represented brothers and sisters in Christ.  Paul had served with them.  He knew their hearts.  They had stood with him.  They had prayed for him.  He could trust them with almost anything.  They had not walked away from the gospel, the Church or him.  You may know brothers and sisters in Christ who would stand with you through anything.  They would, possibly, be more faithful than even blood family.  You are grateful for those people who are just a text or call away when you need them. 
            Second, these people were not creating divisions or discord.  They were not seeking attention or self-gain.  Their agenda was the cause of Christ and unity within the family of God.  They chose Christ over self, the gospel over any human agenda and the welfare of the family of God above anything they could personally acquire by schemes or duplicity.  They valued the gospel and the faithful teachings of the Scriptures.  They submitted to the authority of Scripture and the Lordship of Christ.  They sought to build up the body of Christ called the Church. 
            Third, these twenty-nine names represented people who were servants.  They prioritized serving the Lord.  They placed service to Christ above service to self.  We can remember today that if we seek to glorify Christ then we will be satisfied.  Our satisfaction in life should take a backseat to the glory of Christ by our service to Him and His Church.  These names were people you could count on to be available for the work of the gospel.  If we are available to Christ, He will make us able.  If we lack qualifications, He will equip us and qualify us if we trust Him enough to serve Him by faith. 
            Fourth, these folks, beloved by Paul, seemed to have chosen obedience and humility above flattery and disobedience.  They opted against smooth talk, flattery and deceptive ways.  It can be easy to bluff or talk our way into appearing that we both know and obey the Lord.  We can remember the story of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5 who prioritized appearances, smooth talk and deception above obedience and devotion to the things of the Lord.  The folks in Romans 16 did not just talk the talk.  They indeed walked with the Lord.  They chose the good above the bad and decided to be innocent about evil things. 
            Be grateful for those moments that the Lord gives you to know and serve Him.  Live influentially with a Kingdom mindset and perspective.  Be wise and discerning in His ways and not the usual, worldly ways that seem so entrapping and alluring.  Have a great Thursday!  Remember you can share our worship any time at We will study the Bible this Sunday at 9:45am and worship at 10:55am.

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