
of disciples for christ



of disciples for christ

For the glory of God, First Baptist Church of Kannapolis, NC is committed to: Proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ; preparing people with the Word of God; penetrating our community and world with a Spirit-filled lifestyle, and Christ-like love; and producing disciples for Christ, built up in truth and grace.

current series & devotionals

Miss a recent worship service, want to see it again, or want to share it?
You can find links to our worship service library and digital bulletins (with sermon notes) in this block. You can also stay current with the devotions that Pastor Tom writes and publishes daily.
Video of most recent worship service is available above. For sharable video with downloadable sermon notes, click here.


First Baptist Church sits in the heart of the growing downtown community of Kannapolis, NC.  First Baptist is active with all ages groups, having opportunities for you to connect with others, to grow in your faith, to explore faith if you aren't sure, to research resources, and more!

Whether you're a family of one, a teenager, a married couple, married with children, empty-nesters, etc., we believe you'll find a home at First Baptist. Whether you're already a part of the First Baptist Family or you're considering joining us as a guest in the coming days, we look very much forward to connecting with you soon!

Church Directory

The new online church directory is a VALUABLE tool for EVERYONE at First Baptist.  As the church continues to grow, people will want to know how they can assimilate into the family and getting to know names and faces is the fastest way to feel "at home."  Be a blessing to our church family.  Participate in the new church directory by doing these things:
- Fill out the information sheet.  You'll find them in the hallway behind the sanctuary.
- Wait for the church directory administrator to input the information and email you a link to upload a picture.
- Go to your email AND UPLOAD A DIGITAL PICTURE - (a pictorial directory isn't much of a pictorial directory without the pictures!)
- Download the Instant Church Directory onto your mobile phone from your app store and use your email address to access all of the pictures and information of everyone who is in the directory