The Music Ministry of First Baptist is an exciting, growing, vital part of the life and work of our congregation.  There are musical opportunities for everyone from age 4 into the senior adult years.  As we seek to honor God and to serve Him in all things, it is appropriate that we make provision for individuals to praise Him using their talents and gifts in music.  Whether we are worshiping, teaching the basics of music reading, ringing handbells/chimes, rehearsing for a musical/drama, playing an instrument, or singing at a nursing care facility, we are using and developing “our instruments of praise” to honor and serve the Father!

Take a moment and look at the many areas of music offered here at First Baptist.  If you enjoy listening to music, and especially if you enjoy making music, First Baptist Church has many opportunities for you to worship through music and to be a part of leading others in musical worship as well.

Easter sunrise service

The worship of the LORD God and His Son, our Savior, cannot be contained within the walls of our beautiful sanctuary.  For Easter, we moved out to the front lawn and into the gazebo for an inspiring morning of celebration. 

Questions about the music ministry? contact us!