The Orchestra at First Baptist has grown to become a major part of the worship and music ministry at FBC-K. We have volunteers playing from every orchestral musical section including brass, woodwinds, percussion and strings. Each section has near expert level players as well as advanced beginners. If you are a high school student or just someone who played in the past, we would love to add your "voice" to the ministry. Please contact Tim Smith for further information.
Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in the sky, which testifies to his strength! Praise him for his mighty acts; praise him for his surpassing greatness! Praise him with the blast of the horn; praise him with the lyre and the harp! Praise him with the tambourine and with dancing; praise him with stringed instruments and the flute! Praise him with loud cymbals; praise him with clanging cymbals! Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! ~Psalm 150:1-6