Wednesday Kid’s Music Connection
Wednesday evenings offers musical experiences for children age 4-grade 6. Preschool music experiences are offered to children age 4-Kindergarten during the school year (Room 306). Fall and spring semesters also present opportunities for ringing and singing to all boys and girls in grades 1-5 (Room 304). For more on children's handbells, click here.
Sanctuary Choir
There is NOTHING like the sound of a great choir lifting their voices in rehearsed praise to the God of the universe! And yet, while this specific avenue of worship is so glorious, it is also very unique in our culture today. Many churches have released their need and desire for a traditional choir, and that is fine. But here at First Baptist Kannapolis, we see the value of choir and consider their contribution to our worship each week a cornerstone in how we praise our Savior and Lord. The rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. If you love to sing, this may be the place for you to find community and a way to serve. Contact Tim Smith for more information.
Wednesday evenings offers musical experiences for children age 4-grade 6. Preschool music experiences are offered to children age 4-Kindergarten during the school year (Room 306). Fall and spring semesters also present opportunities for ringing and singing to all boys and girls in grades 1-5 (Room 304). For more on children's handbells, click here.
Sanctuary Choir
There is NOTHING like the sound of a great choir lifting their voices in rehearsed praise to the God of the universe! And yet, while this specific avenue of worship is so glorious, it is also very unique in our culture today. Many churches have released their need and desire for a traditional choir, and that is fine. But here at First Baptist Kannapolis, we see the value of choir and consider their contribution to our worship each week a cornerstone in how we praise our Savior and Lord. The rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. If you love to sing, this may be the place for you to find community and a way to serve. Contact Tim Smith for more information.